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Used Puede Buscar los numeros de partes de la Impresora B3460
Part Number |
Description |
DELL-Y33MH | ACM asm (for optional 550-sheet tray), B2360d, B3460dn |
DELL-VKJN9 | ACM asm, B2360d/B2360dn |
DELL-CV8NP | ACM liftplate gearbox, B3460dn |
DELL-487YW | Cartridge gearbox, B2360d/B2360dn, B3460dn |
DELL-FCP95 | Control panel, B3460dn |
DELL-PNKG1 | Controller board, B3460dn |
DELL-35WJ9 | Cooling fan, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460dn |
DELL-096R4 | Cover, Bezel, B3460dn |
DELL-J2NHM | Cover, Control panel asm, B3460dn |
DELL-MJF2G | Cover, Front access cover |
DELL-TDKD3 | Cover, Left cover, B3460dn |
DELL-7PPRH | Cover, MPF asm, 100 sheets, B3460dn |
DELL-253R6 | Cover, Rear upper and lower, B3460dn |
DELL-FM8PP | Cover, Right, B3460dn |
DELL-9DXN2 | Cover, Top, B3460dn |
DELL-MPJMN | Duplex asm, B2360d/B2360d |
DELL-R6W5C | Power supply, 110V, B3460dn |
DELL-T1RKD | Power supply, 220V, B3460dn |
DELL-RNJMM | Redrive asm, 200K pages life, B3460dn |
DELL-6KG7W | Reverse solenoid, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460dn |
QSP-AKP5012 | ROLLER KIT FOR DELL B3460 B3465 B3460DN B3466DNF |
DELL-FXK58 | Roller, MPF pick roller, separator pad, 200K pages, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460d |
DELL-WX3W8 | Roller, Pick roller for optional tray, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460dn |
DELL-WYJFK | Roller, Pick tire, 200K pages life, B3460dn |
DELL-V0J40 | Roller, Separator roll asm, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460dn |
DELL-XCC1X | Roller, Transfer Roll, 200K pages life, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460d |
DELL-R8P18 | Screw kit, B2360d/B2360dn, B3460dn |
DELL-5XJ79 | Standard 550-sheet tray (without drawer), 400K pages life, B3460dn |
DELL-5XJ79 | Standard 550-sheet tray (without drawer), 400K pages life, B3460dn |
DELL-7PHTT | Toner cartridge smart chip contact, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460dn |
DELL-ND42P | Toner density sensor, B2360d, B2360dn, B3460dn |
DELL-N021Y | Trailing edge sensor, B3460dn |